scientific hierarchy 1

The Hierarchy of Consciousness and Free Will Emerges Through Complexity 

A Comparative Analysis by ArtisanTony


This paper explores the hypothesis that both consciousness and free will emerge from the complexity of biological structures and processes. By examining various life forms across a spectrum of complexity, we aim to demonstrate a correlation between an organism's complexity and its levels of consciousness and free will.

As life forms evolve and their biological structures become more complex, they not only develop higher levels of consciousness but also gain greater degrees of free will. This free will allows for increasingly sophisticated decision-making, enabling organisms to interact with their environment in more adaptive and deliberate ways. We seek to illustrate how different levels of complexity contribute to the emergence and differentiation of both consciousness and free will, forming a hierarchical structure.

Understanding the relationship between complexity, consciousness, and free will is crucial for appreciating how life evolves and functions within ecosystems. Higher levels of complexity provide the necessary infrastructure for advanced cognitive processes, which in turn support greater autonomy and the capacity to make choices. These choices can significantly impact not only the organism's survival and well-being but also the broader ecological systems they inhabit.

By investigating the connections between complexity, consciousness, and free will, this paper aims to shed light on the mechanisms that drive the evolution of life and the development of sophisticated cognitive and behavioral traits. This understanding can help us better appreciate the interconnectedness of life forms and the roles they play in sustaining the balance and functionality of ecosystems.

Theoretical Framework

Our theory suggests that consciousness is a product of biological complexity, where each level of complexity provides a necessary foundation for higher levels of consciousness. This framework posits that as organisms evolve and their biological structures become more complex, their capacity for consciousness also increases. The complexity of an organism can be measured by factors such as cell count, neural density, synapse count, and other cognitive and physiological attributes. These factors collectively create the infrastructure necessary for higher levels of consciousness to emerge.

The hierarchy of consciousness is not only a result of increasing biological complexity but also involves the interplay between various levels of organization within an organism. This interplay can be thought of as a form of resonance, where the biological systems of an organism synchronize and interact in a harmonious manner to support consciousness. The concept of resonance highlights the dynamic and integrative nature of consciousness, emphasizing that it is not merely the sum of its parts but rather an emergent property arising from the interaction of complex systems.

This framework also considers the role of simpler life forms and non-living entities, such as cells and microorganisms, which serve as foundational components in the hierarchy. These simpler entities provide the essential support and infrastructure for more complex organisms, facilitating the emergence of higher levels of consciousness. As life evolved, this progression of increasing complexity has culminated in the development of highly sophisticated life forms, each playing a specific role in maintaining the overall balance and functionality of the ecosystem.

Hierarchy of Life Forms

We propose that simpler life forms with less complexity, consciousness, and free will either evolved or were designed to support higher forms of life with greater complexity. This hierarchy can be exemplified by considering the role of earthworms and other soil-dwelling organisms. Earthworms process dirt, breaking down organic matter and enriching the soil with nutrients essential for plant growth. Without these simpler forms of life, ecosystems would collapse, and higher life forms, including humans, could not survive.

This interdependence highlights that not all living beings can possess the level of free will that humans have, as the system relies on a balance where each organism plays a specific role. Simpler life forms, by performing their fundamental ecological functions, provide the necessary support for more complex organisms. As life ascends the hierarchy, the capacity for free will increases, allowing higher life forms to make decisions that can influence the survival and well-being of both themselves and the lower life forms they depend on.

Free will, as it develops through increasing complexity, grants higher organisms the ability to make deliberate choices that can impact their environment positively or negatively. For instance, humans, with their advanced cognitive abilities and heightened free will, have the capacity to enact environmental conservation measures that support the biodiversity and stability of ecosystems. Conversely, decisions driven by short-term gain or neglect can lead to environmental degradation and harm to lower life forms that are crucial to ecosystem health.

Additionally, whether one believes in God or some other creator being, the existence of such a hierarchy suggests a component of design. Our existence and the interdependent relationships among different life forms appear to be more than a product of random chance. The intricate balance and progression from simpler to more complex life forms indicate a purposeful design. This notion of a designed hierarchy is substantiated by the observation that each level of complexity provides the necessary support and infrastructure for the emergence of higher levels of consciousness and free will. As life evolved, this progression of increasing complexity has culminated in the development of highly sophisticated life forms, each playing a specific role in maintaining the overall balance and functionality of the ecosystem.

Purposes of the Hierarchy

The hierarchy of life forms serves several essential purposes:

  1. Management of Lower Life Forms

    As life ascends the hierarchy of complexity, the degree of free will and conscious decision-making increases. Lower life forms, such as bacteria and simple multicellular organisms, operate primarily on instinct and automatic responses to environmental stimuli. They contribute to the ecosystem in fundamental ways, such as nutrient cycling and energy flow, without conscious decision-making.

    However, as we move up the hierarchy, organisms with more complex biological structures exhibit greater levels of consciousness and free will. Intermediate life forms like insects and fish start to show basic decision-making abilities, while more complex beings such as birds and mammals demonstrate increased capacity for choice, learning, and adaptation.

    In higher life forms, particularly humans, free will gains significant momentum. Humans possess advanced cognitive abilities and self-awareness, enabling them to make deliberate decisions that can support or harm lower life forms. This elevated capacity for choice allows humans to consciously manage their environment and other species within it.

    By exercising their free will, humans can make decisions that positively affect lower life forms, such as conservation efforts, habitat restoration, and sustainable resource management. These actions help to maintain ecological balance and ensure the health and survival of various species within the ecosystem. Conversely, decisions driven by ignorance, neglect, or exploitation can negatively impact the environment, leading to habitat destruction, species extinction, and ecological imbalance.

    The evolving free will of higher life forms thus plays a crucial role in the stewardship of the environment and the well-being of all life forms within it. This responsibility highlights the interconnectedness of life and the importance of conscious, ethical decision-making in sustaining the intricate web of ecosystems that support life on Earth.

  2. Establishing Order and Moral Code: The hierarchy helps establish a sense of order and a moral code of ethics within ecosystems. Higher life forms often exhibit complex social structures and behaviors that promote cooperation, altruism, and ethical interactions. These behaviors ensure the survival of the species and contribute to the stability of the ecosystem. For humans, this extends to moral and ethical codes that guide behavior, fostering societal order and harmony.

  3. Conduit to Communicate with the Creator: For those who believe in a creator or higher power, the hierarchy serves as a conduit to communicate with and understand the intentions of the creator. Higher levels of consciousness and complexity may be seen as closer to the divine, providing insights into the nature of existence and the universe. This spiritual perspective suggests that the hierarchy is a pathway through which beings can connect with their creator and fulfill their purpose.

These purposes highlight the multifaceted role of the hierarchy in maintaining the balance, order, and spiritual connection within the natural world. They underscore the importance of each level of complexity in contributing to the overall functionality and harmony of life on Earth.


We have analyzed multiple species, focusing on key biological factors that contribute to complexity: cell count, neural density, synapse count, brain size, power usage, metabolic rate, problem-solving skills, social complexity, and language abilities. These factors were combined to create an "Adjusted Complexity Score," reflecting the relative complexity of each organism.

Data and Analysis

The data suggests a strong correlation between biological complexity and the emergence of consciousness. Species with higher adjusted complexity scores, such as humans, elephants, and dolphins, exhibit advanced cognitive abilities, complex social structures, and significant problem-solving skills. These species are also known for their high levels of consciousness.

Conversely, species with lower complexity scores, such as amoebas, bacteria, viruses, and inorganic matter like a 1-pound rock, display minimal or no signs of consciousness, focusing mainly on basic survival functions or lacking biological life altogether.

The table below considers various factors to calculate the Adjusted Complexity Score for each species. These factors include:

scientific hierarchy 2

      • Cell Count: The number of cells in the organism.
      • Organ Count: The number of distinct organs within the organism.
      • Brain Size (g): The mass of the brain in grams.
      • Neural Density (neurons/mm³): The density of neurons per cubic millimeter.
      • Synapse Count: The estimated number of synaptic connections.
      • Power Usage (Watts): The power consumption in watts.
      • Metabolic Rate (Calories per day): The daily caloric intake required.
      • Language Abilities: The presence and complexity of language or communication abilities.
      • Problem-Solving Skills: The organism's ability to solve problems.
      • Social Complexity: The complexity of social structures.
      • Tool Use: The ability to use tools.
      • Cognitive Abilities: Overall cognitive capabilities.
      • Social Structure: The nature and complexity of social structures.
      • Other Factors: Unique traits or behaviors not covered by the other categories.
Form of Life Adjusted Complexity Score Cell Count Organ Count Brain Size (g) Neural Density (neurons/mm³) Synapse Count Power Usage (Watts) Metabolic Rate (Calories per day) Language Abilities Problem-Solving Skills Social Complexity Tool Use Cognitive Abilities Social Structure Other Factors
Human 56.4543 37.2 trillion 78 1400 86.0 billion 100.0 trillion 20 240 1 3 3 1 High Complex  
Chimpanzee 55.0000 37.5 trillion 79 400 33.0 billion 30.0 trillion 18 200 1 3 3 1 High Complex Known for advanced problem-solving and social behaviors
Elephant 54.0000 100.0 trillion 80 5000 257.0 billion 200.0 trillion 150 6000 0 2 3 0 High Complex  
Dolphin 53.1037 45.0 trillion 70 1600 80.0 billion 90.0 trillion 80 2000 0 3 3 1 High Complex  
Dog 21.5739 39.0 trillion 78 96-120 160.0 million 10.0 trillion 10 600 0 2 3 0 High Complex  
Octopus 19.6433 750.0 billion 10 12.5 500.0 million 1.0 trillion 1 60 0 2 1 1 Medium-High Low  
Crow 15.3660 2.0 billion 9 10 1.5 billion 2.0 billion 1 70 0 2 3 1 High Complex  
Parakeet 13.0674 2.0 billion 9 3 1.0 billion 1.0 billion 1 30 1 2 3 0 High Complex Known for mimicry and vocalization
Lizard 5.5703 3.0 billion 12 1.5 80.0 million 300.0 million 0.02 20 0 1 1 0 Medium Simple  
Average Fish 5.3840 5.0 billion 15 5.5 55.0 million 150.0 million 0.1 15 0 1 1 0 Medium Simple  
Frog 4.7352 1.5 billion 12 0.7 16.0 million 150.0 million 0.05 5 0 1 1 0 Medium Simple  
Ant 1.8367 250,000 7 0.01 250,000 1.0 million 0.00001 0.01 0 1 2 0 Low Highly Complex  
Venus Flytrap 0.6000 3 million 5 0 0 0 0.3 3 0 0 0 0 None None Known for rapid movement and carnivorous behavior
Orchid 0.5000 150 million 6 0 0 0 0.5 5 0 0 0 0 None None Known for complex reproductive strategies and symbiotic relationships
Hydra 0.0500 100,000 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 None None Known for regeneration
1 Pound Rock 0.0000 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None None Inorganic matter
Tardigrade 0.0000 1,000 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 Basic responses None Resilient to extreme conditions
Amoeba 0.0000 1 0 0 0 0 0.0001 0 0 0 0 0 None None  
Bacterium 0.0000 1 0 0 0 0 0.00001 0 0 0 0 0 None None  
Virus 0.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None None  



Our analysis supports the hypothesis that consciousness emerges from the complexity of life forms and that this emergence is tied to the ability to access or resonate at a specific state. This resonance can be thought of as a condition where the biological systems of an organism synchronize to achieve consciousness.


Key Points: 

  • Energy and Complexity: Complexity provides the necessary physical and energetic infrastructure for consciousness and free will. Higher cell counts, neural densities, and synapse counts require greater energy use, enabling organisms to achieve higher states of resonance and decision-making capabilities.
  • Critical Mass of Complexity: The emergence of consciousness and free will may require reaching a critical mass of complexity and energy, similar to phase transitions in physical systems. Integrated Information Theory (IIT) suggests that as complexity increases, so does the amount of integrated information, facilitating advanced consciousness and the capacity for free will.
  • Role of Intelligence: Intelligence, characterized by problem-solving skills, social complexity, and tool use, is both a product and enabler of consciousness and free will. These cognitive abilities allow organisms to navigate their environments and make informed choices, supporting the development of higher-level decision-making and autonomy.
  • Hierarchy of Life Forms: Simpler life forms and non-living entities like rocks, atoms, and particles serve as the foundational components for more complex organisms. As life evolved, these entities became part of a larger hierarchy, contributing to the emergence of sophisticated life forms with increased consciousness and free will. Higher organisms, especially humans, possess advanced free will, enabling them to make choices that impact their environment and other species.


The analysis presented in this paper supports the hypothesis that both consciousness and free will emerge from the complexity of biological structures and processes, facilitated through a state of resonance. By examining various life forms across a spectrum of complexity, we have demonstrated a correlation between the complexity of an organism and its levels of consciousness and free will.

The hierarchy of life forms, ranging from simpler organisms like earthworms to more complex beings like humans, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance and functionality of ecosystems. This hierarchical structure not only supports the emergence of consciousness but also enables the development of free will, allowing organisms to make deliberate choices that influence their environment and other life forms.

Furthermore, the presence of a hierarchy that fosters increasing levels of consciousness and free will suggests a purposeful design, highlighting the interconnectedness of all life forms. As organisms evolve and ascend this hierarchy, they gain the ability to impact their surroundings in more profound ways, reflecting a balance where each level of life supports and enhances the complexity and autonomy of others.

This interconnectedness underscores the importance of understanding and preserving the delicate balance of ecosystems, where higher levels of free will and consciousness in complex organisms, particularly humans, come with the responsibility to make decisions that benefit the whole. By fostering a deeper understanding of how complexity underpins consciousness and free will, we can better appreciate the roles we play in sustaining and enhancing life on Earth.

scientific references 3


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      2. Koch, C., Massimini, M., Boly, M., & Tononi, G. (2016). Neural correlates of consciousness: progress and problems. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 17(5), 307-321. doi:10.1038/nrn.2016.22

      3. Hameroff, S., & Penrose, R. (2014). Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory. Physics of Life Reviews, 11(1), 39-78. doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2013.08.002

      4. Godfrey-Smith, P. (2016). Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

      5. Hofman, M. A. (2014). Evolution of the human brain: when bigger is better. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 8, 15. doi:10.3389/fnana.2014.00015


AI Transparency Disclosure

The ideas presented in this paper are my own. However, I utilized ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, to help organize the content, conduct research, and provide references. ChatGPT assisted in structuring the paper and suggesting relevant sources, but all interpretations, conclusions, and original ideas are my own. The art work was added for flavor and was created using DreamStudio.