PiFi Show on MH370 Investigation
Ongoing Intent and Show Prep for PiFi #98
May 4th, 2024
Opening Statement: To date, the exact location of Flight MH370 remains unknown, as does the complete cause of its disappearance. The PiFi Show is dedicated to exploring this mystery with a commitment to scientific integrity and decency. Our content is driven by the quest for truth, and our thoughts are with the individuals lost and their families. This endeavor is in their honor.
Scientific Foundation: The PiFi Show is committed to presenting content grounded in science, utilizing the most current and respected scientific knowledge and observational evidence available. Before making any claims or presenting ideas, we will clearly state whether the information is based on established science or if it represents personal viewpoints not widely recognized as scientific consensus.
Ownership of the MH370 Content and Narrative: It is important to clarify that no single person or entity "owns" the subject matter of the MH370 disappearance. Claims made by some content creators, asserting they are the definitive experts or threatening legal action against those with differing views, do not hold legal standing. The investigation into MH370 involved a massive international effort with participation from 26 countries, including Australia, China, France, Singapore, the United States, Indonesia, and the United Kingdom, reflecting the global nature of aviation and the shared interest in solving this mystery. Everyone has the right to investigate and share their perspectives on this case. We stand by the principle that open dialogue and a variety of viewpoints contribute to a deeper understanding of such complex events. This statement reaffirms our commitment to fostering an environment where all voices can be heard without fear of unwarranted litigation. MH370 Drone Video | MH370 Zap Video
Exposing MH370 Teleportation Video Fabrications: The videos purporting to show the teleportation of MH370 are complete fabrications, not based on factual events. We believe these videos were created using 2.5/3D animation software, enhanced with visual effects algorithms to simulate orbs, contrails, and thermal effects. 3D models of the plane and a drone were used, along with background images of clouds, to produce these deceptive videos. This analysis aims to clarify that such representations are entirely fictional and not supported by any scientific evidence. YouTuber cryshleeTV
Clarification on Quantum Teleportation: Contrary to some popular misconceptions, quantum teleportation does not involve the transfer of matter. Instead, it involves the transfer of the quantum state of particles. This process is based on current scientific understanding and does not imply physical movement of the particles themselves. Quantum Teleportation Phys.org
Background Images and Video: The background images used in the "satellite" video are not taken by a satellite or any other sensor instrument. They are images taken by Jonas De Ro on a trip to Japan in 2012 and taken with a Canon 5D Mark 1. Jonas to this flight on January 25th 2012 Hong Kong Airlines HX 618 from Hong Kong Intl. to Tokyo Narita T2 on Boeing 737. Expected landing time 16.50 local time. In his video regarding his flight he provides a download link to the .CR2 files which are RAW files and the meta data from these files cannot be edited. This moment in Jonas' video is very telling where he explains that it appears not much effort went into the making of the videos due to the lack of changes in his background imgaes. It is also worth noting the claim that the SBIRS (Space-Based Infrared System) was used to produce the videos is completed fals due to the higlhy classified nature of SBIRS. There are no known SBIRS images on the internet and the system does not produce video as claimed.
Ocean Currents and MH370 Debris Drift: There are claims that ocean currents would not allow for parts of the plane to drift from Malaysia to the southern portion of the African coast. However, studies using ocean models have shown that below 10 degrees south, there are indeed westerly flowing currents. These currents, including the South Equatorial Current and the Agulhas Current, could realistically carry debris to the African coast, consistent with where MH370 debris has been found. This pathway is supported by scientific analysis and drift studies that track debris movement across the ocean. Google Map of Debris Found | Ocean Current Map
Rebuttal to MQ-1C Gray Eagle and MH370 Claim: Claims suggesting that the MQ-1C Gray Eagle drone was used to film the teleportation of MH370 are implausible based on the drone's operational capabilities. The MQ-1C, a land-based system, has a maximum range of 370 km (230 miles) for a round trip without external fuel tanks, requiring it to locate its target within approximately 185 km (115 miles) to ensure a return to base. The drone does not possess in-flight refueling capabilities, and there were no carriers or other ships capable of launching drones reported in the area at the time of the MH370 event. These operational limits make it highly unlikely that the MQ-1C was involved in any capacity related to MH370. Also, The MQ-1C did not complete full Follow-On Operational Test & Evaluation (FOT&E) Phase I till October 2018. MQ-1C Specs
Misinformation Clarification on Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin: Contrary to some claims, Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin was not charged with leaking MH370 videos. There is no evidence to support these accusations, which were popularized by a well-known content creator. His charges were related to mishandling classified information and not reporting foreign contacts. He pleaded guilty to these charges and was sentenced to serve six years. This information is corroborated by multiple sources detailing his trial and the charges against him. Edward Lin Sentencing
Source and Rights of Materials: All materials used in the show, including photos and videos, are either publicly available or obtained directly from the source. Videos are sourced from the Wayback Machine website, which hosts content in the public domain. We ensure that no copyrighted material is used without the explicit permission of the copyright owner.
Fair Use Declaration: We are committed to reporting on and informing the public responsibly. In cases where material is used inadvertently, we adhere strictly to the standards of fair use by ensuring that such use is justified for educational, news reporting, or commentary purposes. We continuously strive to respect copyright laws and the rights of content creators. Fair Use Doctrine
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