bisection 3Disclosure and the Bisection Paradox

The Cyclical Nature of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

By ArtisanTony

February 10, 2024



This paper delves into the cyclical nature of societal interest in Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), characterized by alternating periods of intense fascination and subsequent disengagement. At the heart of this exploration is the Bisection Paradox, inspired by Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox, which serves as a metaphor for the incremental yet perpetually incomplete progress toward understanding and disclosing UAPs. This paradox underscores the inherent limitations of human cognition and the complex, often contradictory, role of intelligence agencies in this process. These agencies engage in a delicate balance of promoting transparency and practicing obfuscation, thus fueling cycles of public curiosity and skepticism.

The societal impact of these cycles is profound, influencing popular culture, scientific research, public policy, and the broader discourse on the unknown. Each cycle not only reinvigorates interest in UAPs but also prompts society to confront fundamental questions about reality, authority, and the limits of human knowledge. The paper examines how these dynamics shape cultural narratives, challenge conventional scientific paradigms, and influence policy formulation, reflecting a deep-seated fascination with the unknown and the complexities of navigating undisclosed truths in a modern context.

In synthesizing these aspects, the paper argues that the cyclical quest for understanding UAPs is emblematic of a broader human endeavor to grapple with the unknown, marked by a continuous tension between curiosity and the realization of our cognitive and institutional limitations. This exploration reveals not just societal attitudes towards UAPs but also the intricate dance between knowledge, belief, and the perpetual quest for understanding in the face of the unfathomable.



Unidentified Aerial Phenomena have perennially captured human curiosity. Despite extensive investigations, full disclosure and understanding of UAPs remain elusive. This paper suggests that the cyclical nature of UAP disclosure, influenced by intelligence agencies' dual actions, represents a deeper conceptual challenge akin to the Bisection Paradox. This paradox illustrates that progress toward understanding UAPs is incremental and perpetually incomplete, providing a framework for exploring human comprehension limitations and the elusive nature of UAPs.


Historical Cycles of UAP Disclosure

Detailing key cycles of UAP interest and investigation, this section provides historical examples to illustrate the cyclical pattern of disclosure:

  • 1950s-1960s: The era began with the 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident and the establishment of Project Blue Book, initiating the modern phase of UAP investigation.
  • 1970s-1980s: Notable incidents, such as the 1975 Northern U.S. border sightings and the 1980 Rendlesham Forest event, highlighted continued military and public encounters with UAPs.
  • 1990s-2000s: The 1997 Phoenix Lights sighting and the 2001 Disclosure Project exemplified the growing public demand for transparency and understanding.
  • Post-2017: The revelation of the AATIP program in 2017 and the subsequent UAP Task Force reports to Congress in 2021 marked the latest cycle, reinvigorating public and governmental focus on UAPs.
Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox and Its Application to UAP Disclosure

Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox argues that motion is impossible because it entails completing an infinite number of tasks. This paradox is metaphorically applied to UAP disclosure, illustrating how each attempt at understanding or disclosing UAPs only halves the distance to complete knowledge, never fully achieving it.

Infinite Division

Just as Zeno's paradox divides space infinitely, the path towards full UAP disclosure comprises endlessly smaller revelations. Each disclosure event or declassification of information seems to bring us closer to understanding, yet always stops short of complete revelation, embodying the essence of the Bisection Paradox.

Never Reaching the Goal

Despite advancements in government disclosures, scientific research, and technological exploration, we never seem to reach full comprehension or transparency of UAPs. There's always more to uncover, with each piece of information leading only to further inquiry, mirroring Zeno's assertion that completing an infinite number of tasks is impossible.

This paradox reflects on the inherent limitations of human knowledge and understanding. The elusive nature of UAPs and the infinite regression suggested by Zeno's paradox challenge our cognitive and scientific capabilities, indicating fundamental constraints on our ability to fully comprehend UAPs.


The Role of Intelligence Agencies in UAP Disclosure

IIntelligence agencies occupy a unique position in the discourse surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), wielding significant influence over both the flow of information and the public's understanding of these mysterious occurrences. Their role is characterized by a dichotomy of actions: on one hand, promoting transparency through the release of declassified documents and official reports; on the other, perpetuating secrecy and ambiguity through withholding information or providing explanations that leave more questions than answers. This mix of pro-disclosure and anti-disclosure rhetoric creates a complex narrative that significantly impacts societal perceptions and the overall discourse on UAPs.

Pro-Disclosure Rhetoric

Pro-disclosure actions by intelligence agencies have included the declassification of previously top-secret documents related to UAPs and the acknowledgment of programs dedicated to their investigation, such as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). These actions suggest a willingness to engage with the public and scientific community on the subject, potentially fostering an environment of openness and inquiry. Pro-disclosure rhetoric often emphasizes the importance of understanding UAPs for national security and scientific advancement, appealing to a collective desire for knowledge and transparency.

Anti-Disclosure Rhetoric

Conversely, anti-disclosure rhetoric is characterized by the refusal to release certain information, citing national security concerns or dismissing UAP sightings as miss-identifications or natural phenomena. This approach contributes to a climate of skepticism and mistrust, as the withholding of information or provision of unsatisfactory explanations leaves the public and researchers questioning the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. The use of anti-disclosure rhetoric by intelligence agencies serves to maintain control over the narrative surrounding UAPs, limiting public understanding and potentially stifling independent investigation and research.

Impact on Public Perception and Policy

The interplay between pro-disclosure and anti-disclosure rhetoric from intelligence agencies creates a dynamic yet conflicted landscape for UAP discourse. This duality influences public perception, fostering a sense of intrigue and skepticism that fuels ongoing interest and speculation. Furthermore, it impacts policy by shaping the priorities and directives for official investigations into UAPs, determining the allocation of resources and the scope of inquiry permitted. The mixed messages conveyed by intelligence agencies contribute to the cyclical nature of UAP interest, as each instance of disclosure or obfuscation prompts renewed attention and debate.

The role of intelligence agencies in the discourse surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena is complex and multifaceted, marked by a tension between the desire for openness and the imperative for secrecy. This tension not only influences public perception and policy but also embodies the broader challenges of achieving comprehensive understanding and disclosure of UAPs. As the quest for clarity continues, the actions and rhetoric of intelligence agencies will remain central to shaping the trajectory of UAP research and public interest.


Societal Impact and the Cycle of Interest

The cyclical pattern of interest in Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) not only reflects the shifting landscape of public curiosity and skepticism but also has profound implications for societal dynamics, cultural narratives, and policy formulation. As each cycle of disclosure and subsequent disillusionment unfolds, it leaves an indelible mark on the collective consciousness, shaping societal attitudes towards science, authority, and the unknown.

Influence on Popular Culture

Popular culture has been significantly influenced by the ebbs and flows of UAP interest. Movies, television shows, literature, and online media often draw inspiration from the mystery and intrigue surrounding UAPs, reflecting society's fascination with the phenomena. Each cycle of heightened interest in UAPs tends to coincide with a surge in related media content, which in turn contributes to sustaining public interest and shaping perceptions of UAPs. This feedback loop between UAP disclosure events and popular culture not only amplifies public interest but also embeds the phenomena within the cultural zeitgeist, creating a shared framework through which such experiences are interpreted and understood.

Impact on Scientific Research and Inquiry

The cycles of UAP interest have a notable impact on scientific research and inquiry. Periods of heightened public and governmental attention can lead to increased funding and resources allocated towards studying UAPs, encouraging some scientists to engage with the subject matter more openly. However, the stigma associated with UAP research, partly due to the unpredictable cycles of disclosure and public skepticism, often poses challenges to academic acceptance and credibility. Despite these challenges, each cycle brings new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, pushing the boundaries of conventional scientific paradigms and encouraging a reevaluation of what is considered acceptable scientific inquiry.

Shaping Public Policy and Governmental Response

Governmental response and public policy regarding UAPs are directly influenced by the cyclical nature of disclosure and public interest. Legislative initiatives, funding allocations for research, and the establishment of official investigative bodies (such as the UAP Task Force) are often reactions to surges in public interest and pressure for transparency. These policy decisions, in turn, shape future cycles of disclosure, determining the scope and direction of official investigations and public reporting. The dynamic interplay between public interest, policy formulation, and governmental disclosure practices underscores the complex relationship between governance, transparency, and societal demands for answers.

Broader Societal Implications

The cyclical interest in UAPs and the resultant societal dynamics underscore deeper themes related to trust in authority, the limits of human knowledge, and our collective approach to the unknown. Each cycle of disclosure, accompanied by its mix of fascination and skepticism, prompts society to confront fundamental questions about reality, science, and the nature of truth. These cycles also highlight the evolving relationship between the public, government, and scientific community, reflecting changing attitudes towards authority, expertise, and the pursuit of knowledge.

The societal impact of the cyclical nature of UAP interest extends far beyond transient public fascination. It influences cultural narratives, scientific inquiry, public policy, and the foundational ways in which society navigates the unknown. As we continue to grapple with the mystery of UAPs, understanding the societal implications of this cyclical interest becomes crucial in navigating the challenges and opportunities it presents, shaping our collective response to the unknown.


Interplay Between Cognitive Boundaries, the Bisection Paradox, and Intelligence Agency Interference

The journey towards understanding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is complicated not only by inherent human cognitive limitations and the Bisection Paradox but also by the deliberate interference of intelligence agencies. This interplay creates a multifaceted barrier to achieving full disclosure and comprehension of UAPs, illustrating the complexity of navigating between our quest for knowledge and the obstructions placed in our path.

The Role of the Bisection Paradox

The Bisection Paradox, which illustrates the impossibility of reaching a destination by continuously halving the distance, serves as a poignant metaphor for the incremental progress in our understanding of UAPs. Each revelation or piece of disclosed information seemingly moves us closer to full comprehension, yet the goal remains perpetually elusive. This paradox not only highlights the limitations of our linear approach to acquiring knowledge but also reflects the infinite complexity of the phenomena themselves.

Intelligence Agency Interference

Compounding the challenges posed by the Bisection Paradox are the actions of intelligence agencies, whose interference often manifests as a blend of obfuscation and selective disclosure. By controlling the flow of information, these agencies can effectively stymie public and scientific inquiry, ensuring that any progress towards understanding UAPs is fragmented and incomplete. This strategic interference, whether for reasons of national security or to maintain the status quo of knowledge, directly impacts our ability to piece together the full picture of UAP phenomena.

The Combined Effect

The combined effect of human cognitive limitations, the Bisection Paradox, and intelligence agency interference creates a dynamic yet challenging landscape for UAP disclosure. On one hand, our inherent desire to understand the unknown drives us forward, seeking clarity and comprehension. On the other, we are continually reminded of our limitations—both self-imposed by our cognitive boundaries and externally enforced by those with vested interests in maintaining secrecy.

This intricate interplay underscores the complexity of achieving full disclosure and understanding of UAPs. It suggests that the pursuit of knowledge in this realm is not merely an academic or scientific endeavor but a multifaceted struggle against both our innate limitations and external forces of obfuscation. As we navigate this terrain, the journey itself becomes a testament to the human spirit's resilience and our unyielding quest for the truth.


The exploration of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) through the lens of the Bisection Paradox has revealed a multifaceted narrative that intertwines the incremental progress of disclosure with the inherent limitations of human understanding. This journey, marked by cycles of heightened interest and subsequent disillusionment, not only underscores the elusive nature of UAPs but also reflects deeper philosophical and societal dynamics.

The complex role of intelligence agencies, oscillating between transparency and obfuscation, plays a pivotal role in shaping the cyclical nature of UAP disclosure. Their actions, motivated by a mix of national security concerns and the drive for scientific understanding, contribute to a public discourse characterized by both skepticism and fascination. This duality fosters an environment where the truth about UAPs remains perpetually at the horizon, always approached but never fully grasped, embodying the essence of the Bisection Paradox.

The societal impact of these cycles extends far beyond a simple interest in UAPs. It influences popular culture, steering the narrative frameworks through which we interpret the unknown. It challenges the scientific community, pushing the boundaries of conventional research paradigms and inviting interdisciplinary collaboration. Moreover, it shapes public policy and governmental response, highlighting the demand for transparency and the need for a nuanced approach to addressing phenomena that defy easy explanation.

This cyclical quest for understanding UAPs, therefore, is not just about the pursuit of knowledge regarding the phenomena themselves but also about reflecting on the nature of human curiosity, the limitations of our cognitive and scientific frameworks, and the dynamics of trust and authority in the modern world. Each cycle offers an opportunity for introspection and growth, encouraging us to reconsider our approaches to the unknown and to embrace the complexity of the world around us.

In conclusion, the discourse surrounding UAPs, framed by the Bisection Paradox, serves as a mirror to our collective psyche, revealing our fears, hopes, and the unending quest for understanding in an uncertain universe. As we continue to navigate this complex landscape, the lessons learned extend beyond UAPs, touching on the very essence of inquiry, knowledge, and the human condition.

AI Transparency Notice

While the concepts of cyclical disclosure, the Bisection Paradox, the limitations of human intelligence, and the nuanced role of intelligence agencies in the context of this paper are original ideas developed by myself, I have utilized artificial intelligence tools to assist with editing and the creation of images to enhance the presentation and depth of the work.